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this will be my final blog sitting in this office... my mind is practically empty right now but my stomach's full... still full of all the goodies from yesterday's potluck... i want to thank everyone for their contribution and keep in touch!!! all the best and happy birthday to me!!! i will keep this blog updated from time to time... so check in on me every now and then...
i've moved... on saturday, i started clearing my office and my room... then i shifted most of my belongings to my hubby's place... on sunday, i came home and found that my room is miserably empty and it's a little sad to see the emptiness... right now, my entire body is aching... someone please gimme a nice massage...
actually, i am totally lost for words... i've not been blogging for a while now because i just don't know what to write... so, i am going to try story writing... the following is based on my imagination... tell me what you's drizzling out there, and i am not out of bed yet... i'll be late for work, and i thought "what the heck"... it is the weather to be late... this weather is too good to get out of bed... so i snug under my blanket and closed my eyes... and i thought to myself, it will be even better if there is some soft music to complement the mood... and just like magic, my mobile rang!!! i wanted soft music, and what do i get? someone calling me at the wee hours of the morning... "hello?""hey its me... can you pick me up at the train station?" my best buddy's voice is ringing in my head... "it's raining and i'm stuck... just pick me up on your way to the office..."aw... this is what i needed last... i wanted to stay in bed, not out of it... i got up anyway, took a quick shower and went to the station to pick her up... we arrived at the office late, and the hr manager is looking at us when we punch in... and just before i sat down, he said "look, you are late for the third time this week, care to explain?""well, um..." my mind is racing to find the right words... when jeff came to my rescue..."hey debbie, can you please pass me the report for the meeting... i want to discuss it with you now!!!""sure jeff, just a second", i immediately took the report and walk towards jeff... he winked at me when i was approaching... and i almost died, jeff is so good looking... and the best thing about him is that, he will come to my rescue whenever i am lost for words... he must be my knight in shining armour... the sad part is, he is taken, meaning, he is married... i guess my mom's right... all good men are taken, what is left are those who are either poor or stupid or, this story will be continued, tell me if you like the intro... or give me some ideas on whether jeff and debbie should have the "extra-marital" affair or not... budak kecik is chasing me to go home now... bye bye and i'll continue with the story tomorrow...
there was a coordination meeting this morning... and i was asked to attend... for what? i also dunno... i'll be leaving pretty soon and they are still expecting me to take the minutes? not in a million years... i of course asked the newbie to take minutes... during the meeting boss kept mentioning that everybody is an idiot... and he even told the bald hr manager that if everybody in his department is an idiot, then the poor bald guy have to take up the responsibilities to follow up on the outstanding tasks... only one thing came to my mind... the entire team is not performing, team members are not cooperating with each other, each have their own interest in mind... and now, after the project has been over 98% completed, then the boss realizes the problem... peculiar as it is, it's true... you see, when the entire team is not performing, is it only the fault of the team members? or was it mismanagement? if the entire team is made up of idiots, then what about the team leader a.k.a. the boss? i guess, he then elects himself to be the leader of all idiots, which also means that he is a bigger and more senior idiot *L*... (chuckle...)anyway, what is on my mind now is what happen during lunch time... myself and budak kecik went to lunch at our favorite chicken rice stall... upon reaching, i saw this thingy... it was bubble balloon... you know, the sticky stuff that comes in a tube, and you make it into a lollipop, with a small yellow straw, then you can blow it into a balloon... cool, right... i haven't seen that thing in more than a decade, and now, i see it... i immediately took one and started blowing away... then after lunch we stopped at our favorite grocery shop and i also saw something from the past... the popping candy, you know the small bits that will explode when you put them in your mouth... without a second thought i bought it, not just one packet but a whole box!!! now as i am typing this, my mind is in the box... in the popping candy box, so i am going to sign off for now and i am going to indulge myself into that box!!! (psst... you should look at notty_little_me's face when she was devouring a little packet of that candy... yummy...)
am i seeing stars? no... i'm not! i'm seeing loo loo everywhere... the photos attached are snapshots taken during kumar's reception... poor kumar, although it was his reception, the bride and groom didn't take centre stage, it was loo loo who took the centre stage... don't believe me? out of the 48 photos taken, there was only 8 shots with kumar in it, and 6 with kumar's wifey in it... how many shots are there with loo loo in it? well, 18!!! so what you are seeing here is only less than half of what she has taken...i must bring your attention to her broken arm... poor loo loo, it's almost a month now, and her arm is still bandaged... i wonder if she changes her bandage... that bandage sure look the same from day 1 until now... i am just curious, anyone ever have a broken arm? clumsy as i may be, i've never had a broken arm, (touch wood, and keeping my fingers crossed), but i know one thing's for sure, if you have a broken arm, you are not suppose to move your arms too much, that's why, some genius invented the plaster... look closely now at the photo, her arms are in various positions, not too mention everywhere trying to "raba" some unsuspecting guys, and also showing the "peace" sign... tell me, does that arm of hers seem broken in anyway? (psst... psst... if i remembered correctly, playboy sign also look like the "peace" sign right?)anyway, here i am counting my days to my last day of service and also my birthday... nothing better to do than to blog away my time, so forgive me for this bunch of craps today... signing off, adios...
to me, the thumb's up sign has always meant to symbolize feeling good, well done, "padan muka", etc... generally it is suppose to mean good stuff (except the "padan muka" bit)... one day, somewhere last week, i heard on mix fm, richard doing his breakfast show without shazmin, (shazmin must be on maternity), said that the thumb's up sign has been created to to meant ED (erectile dysfunction)... so guys, you better watch out, and use that sign sparingly...
today, i am really lonely... for a start, budak kecik is on leave, and not only budak kecik, but jenoh and my kampung mate also on leave... so it's me in the office alone and i don't know what to write less than 3 weeks, i will be packing my bags and leaving this haunted town for good... after being here for more than one and a half years, suddenly, i felt a little sad to leave this town... especially when i have to leave budak kecik alone here... i remembered when i first reported to work, she was the first person, i knew, because she reported on the same day, and we went to the safety induction on the same day too... then we found out that we are housemates, and we've been leaving together until now... although, we have been ousted from our 1st home, we managed to moved in to a new place together... i remembered how we were so tired from shifting, and we went to ayub for a tea at 4 a.m. well, i guess all good things have to come to an end... but i hope our friendship never ends...there is always two sides to a coin, while feeling half hearted to leave this place, i am also excited about going to the new place... i'll be staying with my mom again and i'll never need to do any housework again... then i'll be working in pj, and i just found out yesterday, my ex-colleague's office is very near to my new office... a blessing in disguise, i must say... which means, we can go singing all night long again in i was typing this, i was also online playing vampire... some of you may have been bitten, some not yet... the game's pretty simple, but kinda interesting, if you do not know what i am talking about here, try clicking the "games" link under the link section on the side came to my attention some of my juniors from "u" are also reading this blog... well, feels good to have you with me... and since i'll be back next month, we'll go yum cha!!! that's all for today, signing off, god bless and adios!!!
there is basically nothing in my little peanut sized brainie... or perhaps it is too congested... whatever!!!yesterday evening was kumar's wedding reception, the food's oooh la la... for those who missed it, too bad... we had nasi briani (however you spelled it) and also BBQ mutton... after the makan and all, the guys started to play cards, and we went home... nothing really interesting happened at the reception though... but i must say kumar's wifey is pretty pretty...what i enjoyed most the entire evening was, the part where everybody "sakat" lieya... my kampung mate wanted to go home, so everyone started asking lieya to go along so that she can meet up with Abang "B"... well, of course she didn't go along, shy ma... but lieya, i think you should go... just go and have fun la...prior to attending the reception, myself and budak kecik and kak cat went to the pasar malam... and we had putu bamboo and putu piring, also delicious... that explains where i get my humongous size... going to makan at the reception soremore not enuff, want to eat beforehand lagi... anyway, on our way to the pasar malam, we started singing "loo loo skip to my loo..." and then budak kecik gave me a new idea, we put some new twist into the song... and it goes "loo loo sikit malu..." sounds better right? all thanks to budak kecik and yours truly... if only loo loo knows a little bit of malu, then maybe, just maybe, she will be a little more i am counting my days to my last day of work in this office... i really have nothing to do anymore... everyday, come to the office and sit can be very stressful, you know... surf the net until dunno what to surf anymore... oh, by the way, all you supporters of this blog out there, my last day of work happens to be my birthday also, so... you guys better know what to do ok? signing off, adios!!!
i remember, when i was a little gurl... being youngest of four siblings, i used to argue with my sister, and everytime i loose, i will go and tell mum... and my sister never failed to call me a "TELL TALE"... i learned that phrase at a very young age... and today it became the topic of my post...yesterday, i was sick... not very very sick, in terms of unhealthy, but sick of coming to work... so i stayed home and skip work... sounds tempting right? i bet most of you wanted to do just that... actually, i have nothing much to do in the office anymore... the newbie has taken over most of my jobs... today, when i came to the office, i was earlier that him, surprising right? i was well known for coming into the office late, but the newbie, being a newbie came later than me... daring, real daring... anyway, that's not the point... the point is, when he reached the office, he behaved like my BOSS!!! he asked me whether the guy for HQ has e-mailed me the info for the reports... i said well, i don't know coz the my PC can't connect to the network... the IT guy didn't turn up for work today coz something serious happened... so i asked jenoh to help me look into it... coincidently, jenoh has got a meeting this morning and i have to wait... then two minutes later the boss' pet called me and asked me the same question... someone has been telling tales la, what else? funny thing is, if i can't access to the internet, even if the boss himself asked me, i would say the same thing, what's the use of telling the boss' pet about it? well, newbie, in case you don't know me well enuff, i am hard-headed, the more you try to use authority on me, or the more you instruct me, the more i won't cooperate... you have no right to instruct me, you are not my BOSS!!!this is not the first time he is telling tales to the boss' pet, you know, last week also he complaint to him that i was not cooperating... and the boss' pet spoke to me about it, and i told him off la... it is not in my portfolio to train newbies, especially telling tales newbies... the boss' pet also another one, like to tell tales also, earlier this week, IT lady from HQ (a.k.a ronaldinho) visited and we had a meeting, there was several complains, among which was sub-contractors are using our PCs to access to the internet... boss' pet quickly said that it is only limited to one department, my hubby's department la, but since my hubby is no longer around, someone else must get the blame lor... poor "notty-little-me" kena basuh for nothing... maybe that explains why the two of them get along sooooo damn well...i guess all my friends in this company are having real tough luck...well, guys, stay alive and hang on, lady luck is going to smile on all of us soon...
love is in the air... and i dunno how the song goes... but to me, it is definitely dust that is in the air, not love...early morning, i woke up, thought to myself, it's going to be a lovely day... nah, that's a lie, i woke up and thought "is it morning ready? so fast ah? haiya!!!!" since my hubby was not around i have been hitching my ride to the office with budak kecik... normally, she would have to knock on my door to wake me up, but surprise, surprise, i woke up by myself today... a big achievement for me... put your hands together for me... yes that's the way...reached office at 8:02 a.m., another big achievement, i haven't been in office so early in a long long time. anyway, that's not the point, myself and budak kecik wanted to go for breakfast, and jenoh also wanted to go, so we went... on the way, we passed by loo loo and guess what, we all saw a lovely sight... "love in the air..." oh, let me put it in words... erm... erm... i can't... it is beyond words... remember the arm? the broken and bandaged arm? well, this morning, we saw the newbie, very gently helping loo loo to make good the bandage... hmm... very lovie indeed... well, i was just wondering, can't they do that in private... we've got under aged here you know? then i thought to myself, (seems like i've been thinking a lot lately), was it love in the air? or was it kinkiness in the air? i've tendered my resignation today, and tentatively, my last day shall be on my BIRTHDAY!!! coincidence or what? dunno... got myself a job, offer's fantastic... and i am pretty happy about it, perhaps that explains why i woke up by myself today... ok, i guess that's all for the time being... signing off, adios!!! by the way "thanks jenoh for todays' breakfast!!!"
as i was heading home yesterday from work, my housemate, "budak kecik" mentioned that she has read my post... and she gave me a pretty cool suggestion to label that woman who doesn't know how to spell "MALU"... and i have decided to call her LOO LOO... goes well with "MALU" what... somewhere last week, i heard that loo loo hurt herself, to be exact, she broke her arm... poor thingy... but, surprisingly she was only on medical leave for a day!!! unbelievable? believe it! bad doctor, any average doctor will give you more than one stinkin' day of medical leave if you broke your arm... well, i guess the docs know better, my bet was her arm was never broken... the next day when she turned up for work... her arm seems perfectly fine... not injured, well, at least that was how it seemed to the bare naked eye... and then, guess what, a week later, she turned up for work with a bandage on her arm... i didn't make any typing mistake here, it was a "BANDAGE"... not plaster... a broken arm with a bandage... hmmm... what's with the doc's nowadays? anyway, loo loo is still loo loo... everyone still love her, except me i guess... i puke almost always with the thought of her, but funny how, the more you dislike a person, the more you like to observe that person...the new kid on the block, seemed to have fallen head over heels for her... well, for a start they are chatting on msn like for the whole day... the newbie also another one, the IT guy, already warned him that chatting is prohibited, he still want to take the risk... so they say "the power of love"... sometimes i wonder, is it for "love" or for "sex"... the second probability seem more likely...
calling all earthlings, the photo you see next to this is miss loo loo... cute i must say, no doubt about it, but when i said cute, i am refering to the actual meaning of the word, which is "UGLY but...". oh, this photo is take during the farewell dinner the other night... the left arm, which is grabbing the chair is supposed to be broken, does it seem like it is broken? you be the judge... signing off, adios...