Monday, January 22, 2018

Day 114

Ma, it has been 2 weeks since I last written here for you. I am trying to live my life as usual, but I don't think it is possible. My life has changed, my perspectives changed too.

I will be going to Singapore on Friday, I told you about it, you were supposed to be staying over with Teng this weekend because I am going away and will be back only on Monday. Actually, I am not looking forward to this trip anymore. I feel so stressed out thinking about this trip.

After coming back from Singapore, we are going to Avani again. Not sure if the Tan brothers are coming, but Boon, Teng and me are going, for two nights. If you are here, you will be so excited and looking forward to this trip. We may go back to the place of the Chicken to eat. Last trip we didn't manage to eat the pig's hand, and we said we will go and eat again, but we never had the chance already. But it's ok, this time if we go, I will help you eat.

Did you see the 3 puppies near your grave? I named them, Peter Pan, Patch and Tramp, but Patch is missing already, I wonder if he made it, or maybe he went to puppy heaven...

I resigned, and my boss didn't want to sign the letter for HR to process, now they are trying to convince me to stay back, but I have made up my mind, I do not want to stay back. There is nothing for me here, and I don't think there is anything for me anywhere. I just want the days to pass quickly so that I can see you again soon. I am still hoping for a miracle, maybe waking up one day and realise that this is actually one bad dream. Will that day ever come?

Yesterday we went to Empire Subang for dinner, we bought the vouchers at 11Street and then we went there to eat. I remember one of the years, Teng treat us all to eat there, and you wanted the bubur cha cha or something and it was too sweet, so you only ate one spoonful. And then there was the time where you took the fruits back, do you remember?

Ma, be happy in heaven, and don't worry about me, I'll be ok, I'll be strong for you. Just remember to wait for me, and please don't forget me. See you soon!

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