Saturday, April 11, 2009


as much as i dreaded it, i cannot escape from it... my fears, my weaknesses, are all going to be tested all at the same time...

i am going to india again tomorrow evening, this time for another 10 days or so... to my relieve i am not staying at only one place, i need to move from place to place, and i hope that time will be easier to past and i don't have to spend time dwelling on the unthinkable...

tomorrow is easter, the day where the Lord conquered the grave that we might have life... it's a day of joy, a day where the devil is defeated, a day where victory is on our side... because of this day, 2000 years ago, victory is always on our side... the devil is always whispering to our ears, to defeat us, and most of the times, our weak body gives in to the devil, because it is so much easier to fall prey, than to fight back... but God is faithful, He cares, He reminds me that He has not forsaken me, and that whatever trouble I am facing right now, He knows, and He is allowing it to happen to mould me, to make me stronger, to make me wiser... but i really have no more energy to fight, no more energy to go on... i feel so defeated, so hopeless, so weak... and i am reminded that i do not need to have energy, for i should walk by faith, not by sight, for the Lord God is on my side, who can be against me? the Father has promised that no weapons formed against me shall prosper, so why should i feel the way i am feeling? why should i worry for tomorrow?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when ur back pls kol me...i miss u sis...***budak kecik***