Thursday, July 20, 2006


as some of you have already realised, there was this anonymous leaving some comments behind... well, the comments were not exactly relevant, they are just leaving comments so that they can leave a link as well...

i have been thinking, about whether or not to disallow anonymous comments on my blog, but if i disallow, then some of you may have to register as a blogger to be able to leave comments, which creates trouble for you... i would take a vote, if there is any of you who disagree that i disallow anonymous comments, leave a comment and i will take it into consideration... i am not waiting forever though, i will leave this option open until next week and if i don't get a feed back, i am going to follow notty_little_me's footsteps and turn off the anonymous comments... it's reasonable right? i don't want people to simply leave some funny links on my blog... i don't mind if the comments are constructive, but when they are irrelevant, it wastes our time... so, if you think i should leave the anonymous comments on, drop in and tell me...


seLf rEstrained... said...

SAy NO tO aNonYmous...hehehhehe
LooK aT mY taNjuNG bIn bLOg previoUslY...biG chaOs...
1 Vote foR nO...

Anonymous said...

kate kan TIDAKKKKKKKK!!!!

seLf rEstrained... said...

alah BUdaK keciK...
REgister aah .. bOley tulis bloG reraMai...tak lama lagi dah jadi budak besar.. tak kecik lagi...