after dinner, we played game online for a while, and decided that we should rest before starting out, and we decide that we should wake up at 3 early saturday morning, and at around 4a.m hubby called and said that we are late... so i jumped off the couch, and pack all the stuff into the car and started the journey... we pushed off around 4:20a.m and by 5, we are having sahur at mcd...
at 9 we arrived at kemaman and was drinking coffee at haiping... the ever so popular coffee place... we had coffee, nasi lemak, nasi dagang, fried mee siam, some kuih and what else? nothing else... coffee is great... but food was so-so only... and not to mention super costly... the nasi lemak was at rm2, but i can get it for rm1 in pj... and it tastes better... anyway, after that meal, we went to my sister-in-law's place to pick up some stuff to carry back to kt... had an "akok" while stopping by her house...
started to drive back to kt shortly after and arrived at around 12:20p.m which is like 8 hrs... upon arrival, like usual, they fed us as if we were fugitives... and then went straight to bed... we are not fugitives, more like piglets... slept til 5 or so, woke up and the 1st thing we thought about was dinner... had dinner is this place called, tecklai or something like that... we almost always go there when we go back to kt... it's like the best place to eat... and then we went home and sleep somemore...
the next day, i basically slept through the whole day, waking up occasionally to feed... during dinner, we went to the ming hotel and eat at the cafe... food was good, value for money too...
the next day, hubby drove me to the sekayu waterfalls... had a good time, tiring, but good... walked a little up hill and then dip my tired feet into the cold water... and did i mention i had a free fish spa? there were some tiny fisshes in the water and came to peck the feet the moment it's in water... after sekayu, we went to this other waterfall, belukar bukit... the journey there was quite nice, and we did not climb up the hill, we just played in the pool of water at the bottom of the hill... the water is so so so cooling and wow... the view is also spectacular...

sekayu waterfall...

this thing was near the wash room of sekayu, it's like 8 inches long...

the pool of very cold water at the bottom of the belukar bukit fall...
went home and then got ready for big dinner somemore... at ocean... nice nice nice... see, how not to get fat??? we practically ate the whole time we were there...
the next day, we started off around 8a.m to drive to penang... the journey was amazing... we went from kt to jerteh to machang to jeli to grik to kulim to penang... on the way, we saw some lakes, some hills, some "wild elephants crossing" signs, some "deer crossing" signs, but we never saw the elephants and deers... but the journey was worth while...

a nice view at the titiwangsa r&r...
arrived in penang at around 3:30, checked into the hotel rest for awhile, and went to gurney's drive for dinner... between me and hubby, we had 2 cha kueh tiaw, 1 assam laksa, 3 pcs of chee cheong fun, 1 serving of sotong gelek bakar and 2 see koe th'ng (that would mean 4 fruits soup)... the next day we drove around penang and still went back to gurney's drive for dinner... and again we had so much... ikan bakar, pasembur, assam laksa, tauhu hua, sugar cane drinks... we let the bif tortoise move around the hotel room, and he keeps moving and moving, it was so much fun seeing him trying to run away...

one of the views from penang...

my tortoise trying to go under the bed... cute huh?
the next morning we went to midlands something to have breaky, and we ate a lot too... i am so putting on weight... and the started to drive to cameron...
it started to drizzle as we were arriving, and my mood's set to purrfect... it was cold and wet and nice songs playing from the radio... woohoo... what else could i ask for? the 2 days in cameron was basically to relax... we played blackjack in the room, ate simple stuff from the pasar ramadhan, and just went to the market place to look and see... (the photos from cameron are not loaded yet... we didnt take many photos either, will post the pictures once i load it into the pc)
arrived home today... very tired still, went to collect tiger... and my poor baby... miss me so much... the trip was great... had fun, relax and what else? ate a lot a lot... and finish with zack as well... i didnt like the way it ended and i started to cry a little as well, but then i thought i wont let him die just like that, so i restarted... i'll be slower this time, make his character stronger... i made a mistake the last time, i'll do better this time...