Wednesday, November 01, 2006

did i celebrate raya or what?!?

hi people, i am back... did i celebrate raya or what? answer is, no... but i was a way for a while (from the office that is) and then, when i came back, i was too exhausted to update this blog...

i have a question for you: what will you do if someone you trust absolutely betrays you? i realise that someone i trust completely actually lied to me... shatters my heart, and tears can't stop... and then, there is a point when tears won't come anymore, i guess i am completely dissapointed, and my heart dies... sounds dramatic isn't it? well, if you have experienced it, you know what i am talking about...


seLf rEstrained... said...

truSt beTraYed ?? hearT shatterEd ?? alamaK ??? wHO's the CulpriT ??? nak kena PukuL nih ... jahaT orG NiH .. hanG in there DEaR ..there's always a raY oF shine aftEr a RAinY daY .. be strONg ... betraYAL aint easY ....ciaNNye Dia....

seLf rEstrained... said...

tO eRr is human to forgive is devine...

DeaR ... stIll taLking bout the Guy ka ?? i tough he chicken OUT,,