met her on friday, she took the train to subang and we went for makan at subang parade, i wanted to go to Friday's but i was worried that we can't finish the food... so in the end we went to delifrance instead... don't eat the fish&wedges there, lousy, eeew!
we went home, and then went for coffee at my favourite cafe, i introduced her to the encolato, and in case you don't what that is, it's steaming hot black coffee over icy cold mint gelato, yummy... then reach home at midnite, and we chat 'til 2. fell asleep, and i am sure i was snoring, but she's too tired to notice, so nevermind...
woke up at 7, saturday morning, get ready to go out and i realise i can't find my camera... gosh, took me over half an hour to find a camera that is sitting next to my bed... me plus her and our glasses, we had 8 eyes and still cannot find that huge camera... what is wrong with us? anyway, drove to central to meet sashi, and what else is new, we were late and pity that boy, standing there looking left and right, up and down, cannot see us, and we were standing in front of him, took him a good 5 minutes before he sees us... aww...
after breakfast, we took the monorail to titiwangsa, and the journey was like lightning, before we know it, we are already there... we talked and laughed all the way there, people must think that we are crazy...
eye-on-malaysia: sashi is afraid of heights... yeah, believe it! he is climbing up and down at site for his inspection and testing and he expects us to believe that he is afraid of heights? no way! so he cannot avoid, he went on eye-on-malaysia with us, we had a private cabin, 6 rounds and that is all we get from our ride... and you should look at sashi, don't even dare to look down... me and budak kecik was laughing 'til tears rolled down our cheeks... ok, ok, no tears, i am exaggerating...
then off we go to KLCC for lunch and then went to aquaria, and now i am a mama turtle, that's what i like to call myself... i adopted a turtle for good cause, and i call it "tippy", i am sure tippy will grow up strong and big, and re-populate the turtle tribe in the world... i hope... i sincerely hope that this move will succeed, it's so sad to see the turtles dissapearing...
dinner at the saujana on mr. pancit, and this time, he was punctual... amazing right? but he didn't get the tickets to f4... and on a saturday nite, no way we could get tickets, so we went home after dinner...
reaching home, budak kecik was sleeping soundly, while i chat with hubby online... when i said she was sleeping soundly, i mean soundly, ok...
the next day, we went to ikea, bought some stuff and then i sent her to pudu jail... nah, not true, i sent her to the bus station to take a bus home, and i went home... believe or not, this is the 1st time i drove to pudu, and it wasn't that bad...
as of today, i am still tired, and sick, and it's raining in india!
budak kecik and sashi grinning from ear to ear, inside our private cabin on eye-on-malaysia...