Wishing all of you a Happy Deepavali and Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri...
i am getting ready for my long holidays, today will be my last day in the office, and i will be getting 5 days off... wow... 5 days... hmm... but i have no plans... so i will be sitting at home doing nothing except getting fatter... hahah... but i'm loving it...
i am also still waiting for notty's call regarding tonight's plan for breaking fast... ya, believe it, the plan is for tonight but it is not confirmed yet... sigh... pity... anyway, i've told my mommy not to cook for me, so if tonight is called off, i'd most probably call my hubby and date him...
signing off for this week, so all off you, have a great week ahead, and don't forget my kuih raya... send them to me... and also my duit raya...
Pengalaman Bersalin di HSA
11 years ago